I have created a role, what kind of restrictions can be applied to it?
You can partially or completely block access to the modules of the application using a role. Access permissions can be controlled using the Access, Edit, Delete, View and Document options in the Roles and permissions section.   

1.Access – Visibility to the application modules can be controlled using this feature. Select “Allow” option for the appropriate modules to which you want the role to have access. (If the concerned user attached to the role is logged in when the changes are being made, the changes would be reflected only when the user logs out of the application and logs in again)
2.Edit – Options to add, edit data in the application modules can be controlled using this feature.
3.Delete – Options to delete data in the application modules can be controlled using this feature.
4.View – Options to restrict data visiblity in the application modules can be controlled using this feature.     
4.Document – Document upload, edit etc in the application modules can be controlled using this feature.
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