Can I edit the access permissions of a role that has already been created?
Yes. Click on the role that has to be edited from the “Teams / Groups” section. The permissions t...
Can I prevent an user from accessing the application without deleting his record?
Yes. Change the status of the concerned user record in the Users List to inactive from active.
Can multiple roles and teams be assigned to a user?
Yes. A user can be assigned to multiple roles and teams. When this is the case access permissions...
Can multiple roles be assigned to the same team?
Yes. A team can be mapped to multiple roles. When this is the case, access permissions of all the...
How can an employee who forgot his password log into the application?
Click on the “Reset Password” button against the employee record. A new password would be g...
How do I convert an employee into an user?
Select the employee from the “Employee Name” drop down in the User's tab. Select the concerned ro...
How do I edit roles and teams of an existing user record from the Users List?
Choose the employee from the “Employee Name” drop down in the User's tab. The roles and teams ass...
I have created a role, what kind of restrictions can be applied to it?
You can partially or completely block access to the modules of the application using a role. Acce...
Is it mandatory to assign both roles and permissions while user creation?
No. Either a role or a team has to be chosen during user creation. A user cannot be created witho...
SMS status in the Email / SMS Reports tab is “Sent” even though the SMS has been delivered.
It may take some time for the status to get updated. Click on the “Refresh” button to get the lat...
Popular in
Can I prevent an user from accessing the application without deleting his record?
Can multiple roles be assigned to the same team?
How do I edit roles and teams of an existing user record from the Users List?
Can I edit the access permissions of a role that has already been created?
How can an employee who forgot his password log into the application?
Alerts And Incidents
Can employees be notified when an incident is logged?
Yes. Employees belonging to a particular team can be notified when an incident is logged. Select ...
Can I notify my employees while I change the status of an Alert?
Yes. You can notify your employees through email and SMS while changing the status of an Alert or...
How can I track the status of tasks after raising an alert?
To track the status of tasks after raising an alert:1. Click on the Alerts tab in the dashboard.2...
How is the alert list developed?
The alert list is developed based on the available relationship information of the module ch...
Is employee or contact selection mandatory while raising an alert?
Yes. The current version of the software does not support raising an alert without selecting empl...
Why am I not able to delete some Alerts?
Please ensure that the status of the Alert has been changed to Closed. You will be able to d...
Why are some of my users not able to delete incidents that have been closed in the application?
Incidents that have been closed can be deleted only by the user who has logged it. Other users do...
Will none of the employees be notified if no teams are selected while logging an incident?
The location manager of the location selected to log the incident will be notified by default eve...
Popular in
Alerts And Incidents
Will none of the employees be notified if no teams are selected while logging an incident?
Why are some of my users not able to delete incidents that have been closed in the application?
Can I notify my employees while I change the status of an Alert?
Is employee or contact selection mandatory while raising an alert?
How is the alert list developed?
Application Modules
How can I edit records using a CSV file?
To edit records using a CSV file:1. Click on the EXPORT LIST AS CSV button on the header sec...
How can I enter data into SIB if I do not have information for all the mandatory fields displayed in the ADD screen?
You can enter data into SIB using the IMPORT CSV option if you do not have information about...
How do I change the currency value in my SIB instance?
To change the currency value in your SIB instance:1. Click on the Admin button from the head...
What are the different ways of data entry into SIB?
Data can be fed into SIB by employing any of the following ways:1. Using the ADD button present i...
Why am I not able to delete some employees from the Employees module?
Employees cannot be deleted if they have relationships mapped to them (tasks, teams, business fun...
Why am I not able to delete some locations in the Locations module?
You will not be able to delete a location if it is linked to other records in the platform. To de...
Popular in
Application Modules
Why am I not able to delete some locations in the Locations module?
What are the different ways of data entry into SIB?
How do I change the currency value in my SIB instance?
How can I edit records using a CSV file?
How can I enter data into SIB if I do not have information for all the mandatory fields displayed in the ADD screen?
BIA Reports
How can BIA reports be accessed?
BIA reports can be accessed by clicking on the BIA Reports option that is displayed by click...
How can I restrict a user's access to the BIA Reports page?
Access to BIA reports can be controlled by assigning the appropriate roles and permissions i...
How can I view the impacts for different RTO values in the Impact Summary report?
Use the RTO slider in the Impact Summary report to view the impacts defined for different RTO val...
What do the Business Function Impact and Impact Summary reports signify?
Business Function Impact reports show the tangible and intangible impacts on business functi...
Which color codes in the BIA reports denote the smallest and the largest impacts?
Smallest impacts are denoted by the color green and the largest impacts to the organization are d...
Will values in the report change dynamically when I change impact values in the Department and Business Functions modules?
Yes. Values in the BIA report will change dynamically when impact values in Departments and Busin...
Popular in
BIA Reports
Will values in the report change dynamically when I change impact values in the Department and Business Functions modules?
How can I restrict a user's access to the BIA Reports page?
How can I view the impacts for different RTO values in the Impact Summary report?
What do the Business Function Impact and Impact Summary reports signify?
How can BIA reports be accessed?
How can my employees access the chat feature?
An employee has to be converted to an application user for him to use the chat feature. Please re...
Where can I find a report of my chat conversations?
To access your chat conversations:1. Click on the Admin button from the header section and choose...
Why am I not able to see the chat bar in my account?
Please ensure that you have purchased your account with the Mobile Communications feature. T...
Popular in
How can my employees access the chat feature?
Why am I not able to see the chat bar in my account?
Where can I find a report of my chat conversations?
Declare Disaster
An employee is not notified by SMS even though he is a part of the location for which a disaster was declared
Ensure the primary mobile number and the country code of the concerned employee is correct. SMS m...
Can employees who have not been assigned to any tasks or other items be notified when a disaster is declared?
Yes. All the employees belonging to a location can be notified by selecting the “Do you want to n...
Can specific messages be included for contacts?
Yes. When a contact group is selected during disaster declaration a message box exclusively for c...
Can specific messages be included for contacts?
Yes. When a contact group is selected during disaster declaration a message box exclusively for c...
How can I know if all my employees and customers have been notified when I declare a disaster?
Records of email and SMS messages sent to employees and customers are available in the Email...
I do not have a DR plan. Can i declare a disaster?
Yes. A DR plan is not mandatory to declare a disaster. You can declare a disaster with the threat...
What are the communication options that are available for employee notifications?
You can notify your employees through SMS, Email or both. Choose the appropriate option from the ...
What is the information that would be included in the email sent to employees after a disaster is declared?
Emails would be sent out with links to the employees who have been assigned to tasks, teams, busi...
Will contacts be notified when a disaster is declared?
Yes. The following contacts will be notified when a disaster is declared1. Contacts mapped to bus...
Will employees be notified when I declare a disaster with a threat?
Yes. The following employees will be notified when a disaster is declared with a threat1. Employe...
Will employees from the DR plan be notified when a disaster is declared?
Yes. The following employees from the DR plan will be notified1. Employees assigned to business f...
Will secondary mobile numbers and email ID's provided by employees and contacts be notified when a disaster is declared?
No. In the current version of the software only the primary mobile numbers and email ID's provide...
Popular in
Declare Disaster
Will employees be notified when I declare a disaster with a threat?
Will contacts be notified when a disaster is declared?
Will secondary mobile numbers and email ID's provided by employees and contacts be notified when a disaster is declared?
I do not have a DR plan. Can i declare a disaster?
An employee is not notified by SMS even though he is a part of the location for which a disaster was declared
DR Plans
Are threats mandatory for a location while creating a DR plan?
Yes. DR plans can be generated only for those locations that have been mapped to threats.
Can data from multiple modules be included in the same section?
Yes. Data from multiple modules can be accommodated in the same section. When data from diff...
Can I have a different PDF cover layout for each of the plans that I create?
Yes. You can have different PDF cover layouts for each of your DR plans. This can be ac...
Can I include data from other modules like Teams, Contacts that have been mapped to the location of the DR plan?
Yes. You can create custom sections for modules like Teams and Contacts in the DR plan. Data...
How can I change the order in which the sections are displayed in my DR plan?
Section order in DR plans can be changed using the "Collapse All Sections" button in the DR plan ...
How can I pull data into the DR plan using filters?
Follow the below mentioned steps to manipulate data using filters:1.Click on Add Data button in t...
How would creating a DR plan using a DR template help me?
SIB includes a dedicated DR templates section that can be used if you are not sure about what&nbs...
Should I proceed with manual data entry after I create a DR plan?
No. Information about threats, employees, assets, insurance and business functions mapped to...
What does the different color codes in DR templates signify?
The color codes in DR templates signify the following:Green - This color signifies that the templ...
Will data from the other organization's account be included if I create a DR plan using their template?
No. Only sections from the other organization will be retained when a you create a DR plan using ...
Popular in
DR Plans
Can data from multiple modules be included in the same section?
How can I change the order in which the sections are displayed in my DR plan?
Are threats mandatory for a location while creating a DR plan?
How can I pull data into the DR plan using filters?
Can I include data from other modules like Teams, Contacts that have been mapped to the location of the DR plan?
Can a task be reassigned multiple times?
Yes a task can be reassigned to different employees any number of times.
Can I notify my employees and customers when i end an active disaster?
Yes. You can notify all employees who were involved in the recovery process (employees assig...
I get an error message “Task ID already exists” when I try to add an unplanned task.
The task that you are trying to add is already existent in the tasks module. Try adding the unpla...
Is assigning an employee mandatory while creating an unplanned task?
No. Assigning an employee is not mandatory while creating an unplanned task. You can assign an em...
Once I end a disaster will the report generated contain information about the unplanned tasks that were added?
Yes. All the unplanned tasks and their progress information is included in the report that i...
What are the different dashboards that are available in SIB and how do they differ from each other?
SIB supports two kinds of dashboards. A normal dashboard is displayed when there are no acti...
Why am I not able to execute some tasks in my dashboard?
Tasks can be executed only based on their dependency with each other. If you have a child ta...
Why is the employee to whom an unplanned task was assigned not notified through Email or SMS?
Ensure Preferred Communication Channels have been set in Admin. Click on the Admin button from th...
Will I be able to end a disaster if there are tasks that have not been completed?
Yes. You can end a disaster even if there are tasks that have not been completed.
Will the concerned employees be notified when a task is reassigned?
Yes. The previous assignee and the new assignee of the task will be notified through SMS and Emai...
Popular in
What are the different dashboards that are available in SIB and how do they differ from each other?
Can I notify my employees and customers when i end an active disaster?
Is assigning an employee mandatory while creating an unplanned task?
Will I be able to end a disaster if there are tasks that have not been completed?
Why is the employee to whom an unplanned task was assigned not notified through Email or SMS?
Self Sign Up And Subscription
Can I opt for SMS and chat facilities later if I fail to purchase them during the sign up process?
Yes. You can purchase chat, SMS facilities through Plan Add-On's from the Account Summary page af...
How will I be charged when I send lengthy SMS messages?
The maximum character count of an SMS message is 160 characters. Once you exceed this limit two S...
I am not able to generate a DR plan or declare a disaster through my trial instance
Trial instances do not support DR plan generation and declare disaster features. Please subscribe...
I am not able to send SMS notifications even though I have subscribed to the auto recharge facility
Ensure you had purchased the Mobile Communications feature in addition to auto recharge dur...
What all features will I be entitled to if i opt for the Mobile Communications feature?
You will be entitled to chat and SMS features if you opt for Mobile Communications during sign up.
Will I be charged every month for the additional employees that I purchase?
Yes. You will be charged $0.90 each for the additional employees that you purchase. Your account ...
Will I be charged for the email notifications I send from my instance?
No. You will not be charged for the emails sent from your instance. You will only be charged for ...
Will I be charged for the SMS message that I send from the App Download link in the application?
No. SMS messages sent from the App Download link will not be charged.
Will I be getting additional SMS messages in trial period once I exceed my SMS limit?
No. You will be provided with 10 SMS messages in your trial period. Additional messages will not ...
Will I be notified if my license is about to expire?
Yes. You will notified through email when your license is about to expire. You will be notified b...
Will my account be auto renewed if I am on an yearly plan?
No. You will have to manually renew your license at the end of your subsciption period if you are...
Will my account be recharged automatically once I have exceeded my SMS limit?
Yes. Your account will be recharged automatically if you have opted for the auto recharge option....
Will my trial instance be upgraded to a paid one automatically once the trial period is over?
No. Access to your instance would be revoked once your trial period is over. You will have to cho...
Will the SMS messages from my current plan be carried forward when I renew my account to a different plan if i havent used them?
No. The default messages that are provided during sign up will not be carried forward when you re...
Will the SMS messages purchased through Plan – Addon's be carried forward when I renew my account to a different plan?
Yes. The SMS messages purchased through Plan-Addon's will be carried forward when you renew your ...
Popular in
Self Sign Up And Subscription
Will I be charged every month for the additional employees that I purchase?
Will my trial instance be upgraded to a paid one automatically once the trial period is over?
Will the SMS messages purchased through Plan – Addon's be carried forward when I renew my account to a different plan?
Will my account be recharged automatically once I have exceeded my SMS limit?
Will I be getting additional SMS messages in trial period once I exceed my SMS limit?
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